Alternative and Rapid Culture Media Methods
A range of rapid culture media plates are an efficient method for the detection and enumeration of microorganisms including quality indicators, pathogens and spoilage organisms. Validated by AOAC/MicroVal, these methods give a clear read-out and our SimPlate® solutions are particularly effective when working with difficult matrices.
These tests are available for Enterobacteriaceae, Total Plate Counts, Coliforms & E. coli, Yeasts & Molds, Campylobacter and Staphylococcus aureus.
Rapid Media Solutions for Special Matrices: SimPlate® Test
For complex matrices, testing can be simple using the SimPlate® test, which provides rapid, easy-to-interpret results, even with food and environmental matrices that are challenging for other rapid methods.
SimPlate® tests have been validated by international standards (AOAC/MicroVal) and are available for:
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